Daiyu Sun
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Daiyu Sun

pre-modern roleplay
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Posts : 1782
Join date : 2010-01-26
Age : 34

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PostSubject: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 10:45 pm

Whoot! First rp on this site. The world consits of monsters, demons, a mages.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 4:23 pm


Age: 13
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Gold
Species: Human
Class: Witch
Clan: Black Moon Clan
Weapon: Magic (specializes in voodoo, sorry had to put it in. I can just see her threatening her friend with it)

Age: Somewhere in the 500s
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark purple
Species: Demon
Class: Elemental (fire)
Clan: Unknown
Weapon: Sword
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 5:45 pm

~charries continued~

Age: 35
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark blue
Species: Human
Class: Ex-Knight
Clan: Aries Order (yes i made that up....sorta like his old military unit)
Weapon: Longsword, sheild, and a small dagger

Age: 150 (in human years she looks 17)
Scales: iridescent green (hair is also green when she's in human form)
Eyes: Light Gray
Species: Dragon
Clan: Silverwing clan
Weapon: dragon magic, (claws and teeth in dragon form), breathe fire, poisonous breath
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 5:53 pm

It was a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. Suddenly the sirens sounded and the guards were scrambling. In a isolated cell a young looking man sat, looking like he had no intrest in the chaos.
"Jezz about time you got here." He said with a yawn. A young girl with silver hair appeared out of the shadows. Her golden eyes almost glowed in the dark. "Even though I know you're human it's still hard to tell..." He said offhandly. She glared at him. She picked the lock and let him out.
"It's your fault for getting caught in the first place." She retorted with a glare. He just shrugged.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:04 pm

Jade Silverwing was flying low and was losing altitude fast, she gritted her teeth when she felt the arrow shafts in her wing get nudged by the wind "uh oh going down!" she yelled as she crashed into the forest the ground shook from the sudden weight dropped on it.
A man in his 30's was on his horse trotting along the stream in the woods when the feeling of the ground tremble slightly startled the horse, the man calmed the horse and looked around, then encouraging the animal they kept going forward.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:11 pm

"Did you get the artifact?" She asked with her arms crossed. She looked away from him.
"Yeah, yeah. I got it." He said. He ruffled her hair. She looked like she was ready to blow her top. "We need to leave now." He said, serious for once. She nodded. She teleported them out of the town. "Now let's find a nice resturant to get something to eat. That place's food sucked!" The girl rolled her eyes.
"Takeshi you never showed me the artifact!" She growled. He made a mock hurt gesture. He took out a small blue opal and tossed it to her. She held it up and examined it. "This is it!" She said excited.
"Why are we even looking for these things?" Takeshi asked. "Ria!" He whined when she didn't answer.
"Just shut up!" She walked away putting the opal in her pocket. Takeshi followed her, his stomach growled. "Alright! We'll get something to eat!"
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:18 pm

Jade was standing up now she inspected the damage done to her wing when she detected a noise and looked towards the sound 'human...and a horse...' she thought after sniffing the air she backed up hiding herself the best she could her green scales made forest camoflouge easy, her stomach gave a growl 'guess its dinner time' she thought
Reamann was keeping a wary eye out as he rode when all of a sudden there was a roar and the dragon burst from its hiding spot the horse reared and Reamann fell off backwards he quickly jumped up and got the horse to get out of the way he had his longsword drawn He swung at the dragon's leg getting it attention. Jade felt the blade against her leg she bared her teeth at the man 'well guess I could eat him' she thought and the fight was on between man and dragon.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:22 pm

Ria and Takeshi found a village not to far from where they were. Going into town they spotted a resturant. Ria got a hold of the back of Takeshi's shirt, keeping him from going in. "That's not a good idea." She said. He stopped trying to get away.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:32 pm

"oww! get your shhtupid shword out of my mouth!" Jade yelled at the man He was inside her motuh his sword in the roof of her mouth keeping her from chomping on him "then stop trying to eat me!" he yelled "well i could sit here all night human believe me" she managed to say "So can I" he retorted back they kept having a back forward argument, it wasnt until a few hours later Reamann gave an exasperated sigh "look I see your wing has been damaged....let me out of your mouth and i'll help you patch it up" he said "what giving up already?" she asked "no but your breath stinks and your drooling on me..." he said "I could just fry you, you know" she said "then guess you wont fly again will you" he said ".....fine jusht get the shword out of the roof of my mouth that kinda hurtsh" she said he nodded "on three, 1...2...3..." he removed the blade and she let him out she coughed "thanks thats better" she said "you taste bad anyway.." she added "alright alright let me see your wing now..." he said
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:36 pm

Takeshi sighed. "What now?" He asked exasperated.
"We'll just find a different resturant." Ria said. "We need to find a place to stay anyway." She added.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:42 pm

"ow! son of a bitch!" Jade yelled as Reamann finished pulling out the last arrow "there done" he said after he patch it up he jumped down "about time" she said he ignored her, and started walking away "hey where are you going?" she asked "going to find my horse that you scared off" he said she snorted "dont have to look far its in that direction...and Im still hungry" she said "dont even think about it!" he said pointing his sword at her she huffed. "i've fixed your wing now be off" he said "off where i dont have anywhere to go" she said
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:51 pm

Ria and Takeshi found a tavern. The sun was setting and they had just finished eating. Takeshi was on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Ria was still downstairs gathering information for their next target.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 6:58 pm

"No you can't come with me" Reamann said "why not!" Jade demanded to know "your just going to get in the way...." he said "i can change that!" she said "watch!" she said there was a dull glow as she began to shrink and her form changed "see!" she said throwing her arms up she had turned into a human girl, "dammit have some class!" Reamann said throwing a blanket at her "oh yeah forgot about that" she laughed wrapping the blanket around herself, "ok you fixed the size problem but you still cant come with me" he said "but I can be very helpful besides I can't flounder around out there with a injured wing! do you know what that makes me!?" she asked he just stared at her "it makes me a sitting target for other dragons that dont get along with my clan!" she said he scratched his head and sighed "alright fine, but dont cause me any trouble" he said as he reached into his pack and got an extra pair of pants and a shirt and threw them at her along with a belt. "ah thanks very much!" she said
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:04 pm

Ria sighed as she walked up the stairs to the room she and Takeshi was renting for the night. "Got nothing?" She heard him ask. She shook her head. She walked over to the bed and fell on it face down. He stroked the back of her head.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:07 pm

"whats your name anyway dragon" Reamann said as they rode to the town she sat behind him on the horse, "Im Jade, you? she asked "Reamann" he replied they got to the town and found a Tavern inn
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:13 pm

Takeshi sweat dropped when he noticed she fell asleep. 'She always fall asleep when I do that.' He thought as he shifted her to a more comfortable position. He pulled the covers over her. Staring back at the ceiling he thought about the opals they were going after.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:15 pm

Reamann sweat dropped as he watched Jade eat she had an appetite even if her human form looked like a scrawny young girl. "so are you a knight or something?" she asked with her mouth full "ex-knight" he said "why the ex? she asked "non of your business" he said "sheesh your a grouch" she said
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:17 pm

Takeshi had a feeling why she was collecting the opals. Ria looked like she was having another nightmare. "Jezz." He muttered.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:21 pm

Reamann and Jade went to the room he had rented for the night "get some sleep we're leaving early in the morning" he said "where are we going anyway?" she asked as she stretched out on the bed "to the next town" was his only answer
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:23 pm

Ria woke up early. She shook Takeshi awake. "Gah why do we always have to get up so early!" He whined and tried to go back to sleep. She threw the pillow at him. "Alright! Alright." He stretched getting up. "Can we at least get breakfast this time?" She huffed but nodded.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:28 pm

Jade and Reamann were already up and getting ready to leave the room, "we are eating first right?" she asked "is that all you think about, food?" he asked her "hey when your as big as a house and out in the wilderness food is hard to catch!" she said
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:31 pm

The pub was quiet and few people were there. Ria and Takeshi took the table far away from others. They ordered some food and quietly waited for it. Ria got a few looks from the men. Takeshi glared at them when Ria wasn't looking.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:33 pm

Jade and Reamann soon were also down in the pub they sat at a table and ordered some food, Jade thought she detected a scent that wasn't human but ignored it.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:36 pm

"They think I'm a demon!" Ria whispered angry to Takeshi. Takehis patted her head. "Don't worry about it." He said. There food came and he wolfed it down. Ria sweat dropped watching him.
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PostSubject: Re: **~Quest**~   **~Quest**~ Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 7:39 pm

Reamann had the same reaction as Jade ate her food, she finished "ahh, that was good" she said after draining her drink "great.." he said he was just finishing his breakfast
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