Daiyu Sun
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Daiyu Sun

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 Bound Souls

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Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-12-19
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Bound Souls   Bound Souls Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 8:43 pm


Alarms were going off in a closed off building that only a very select few knew of. Higher officers in comand were yelling out orders to lower class workers. The building and its occupants were in a frenzied panic. The sole reason for this? Three humans had ecsaped from they're holding units. These three humans were no ordanary humans, at least, not any more. They were humans whose souls were now bound to each world; human, demon, and spirit worlds. These human were now in sync with each world, sharing the fate of each world to some degree. But this did not come without a price to pay. The procedure itself was extremely painful to indure, and once done, it could not be reversed. Even after the bonding, it puts a great strain on the soul of the bound person. It also makes the person unable to age, get sick, or any other ailements that would affect the human body. It practicaly makes them immortal, but this does not mean that they can not die. They can still be physically injured or killed. The three human that were escaping, were three young women, dragged from they're own world to the spirit world. Each wanted to get out of the place that caused them such pain and misery, they decided to help each other out. They had been running around, avoiding the people that were looking for the, before finally coming to a door that led to they're freedom. After making sure the cost was clear, the three mad a dash to the door, succedding into exiting from the building they had been at. They ran for as long as they could, putting a fair amount of distance between them and the secret building. Just as they slowed down to rest however, a black hole, for a lack of better words, appeered in front of them, sucking them in and splitting the three up; two of which landed in the human world in different countries, and the third landing somewhere in the demon world. None of three have their memories, having lost them when their souls had been bound. What will become of the three, now that they are each in a different world, on their own, and with no memory of who they themselves are.
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Join date : 2010-01-26
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Bound Souls   Bound Souls Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 9:32 pm

A girl with semi long dark brown hair moaned and clenched her head. She slowly sat up and held her aching head. She glanced around, wondering where she was. There were a lot of trees. Now that were fimiliar to her. She stood up and started to wander around with no idea where she was going.
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Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-12-19
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Bound Souls   Bound Souls Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 9:51 pm

It was the dead of winter in Japan. An old man was in his home, practicing his swordsmanship. The old man was a retired samurai. Even though he was retired, he could not give up on the daily routines that came to be second nature to the man. He had given up the ways of the samurai after many years of performing tasks for nobles and such. Now in his old age, he realized that too much blood had been shed by his hand, and now sough a way of redemption.

He paused mid swing when he heard a noise outside of his home. At first he though nothing of it until he heard it again. This time he went to investgate what was making the noise. After a few minuets of looking and seeing anything, he went to turn back and go into his home when he heard something off to his right by the edge of the woods that surrounded his land. Upon reaching the edge of the woods, he found a figure huddled next to a tree, barely conscious. The figure was a young woman, upon looking closer. She was dressed in an odd fashion and had unusual hair, the color was a firey red with blonde strands of hair going through out the hair. She was pale, but he could not tell if that was from the cold or if she was naturally that pale. Noticing that she was no longer alone, the young woman looked up, said something to him in a language he could not understand before sucumming to unconsciousness. Deciding that he could leave the girl out in the cold, he reached down and picked her up gently, before heading back into his house to care for her.
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Posts : 1782
Join date : 2010-01-26
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Bound Souls   Bound Souls Icon_minitimeThu Dec 02, 2010 10:25 pm

The girl kept wandering until she got tired. She noticed the air was different from where she originally at.
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PostSubject: Re: Bound Souls   Bound Souls Icon_minitime

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